Access to downloadable material from Escuelas Chile Programme training sessions.

Accompanying Teachers: Empowering Learning in Changing Contexts

Best practices for Teacher

This section presents the document "Best practices for Teacher Accompaniment ", which highlights the learning of the Workshop. Eight teachers and principals participating in the Workshop in its 2020 and 2021 versions were invited to share their experiences related to good professional practices that they have implemented in their respective institutions, in order to make them visible and inspire other educational communities, promoting improvements based on the three Focus of the pedagogical task: Socio-emotional, Organization for Teaching, and Promotion of Learning.

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Best practices for Teacher Accompaniment workshop


As a way of highlighting the lessons learned from the Teacher Accompaniment: Enhancing Learning in Changing Contexts workshop, the Escuelas Chile Programme team invited a group of teachers from past workshops to share their experiences with the 2022 participants. The group consisted of 8 teachers and headteachers who took part in the 2020 and 2021 versions of the workshop, and all 8 were asked to share their experiences with this year’s group about the best practices they have implemented in their respective institutions since having completed the workshop. The aim was to discuss the practices in detail and, in the process, help to inspire other educational communities in order to encourage improvements that can address a range of teaching aspects. The document generated can be reviewed at the following link:

AUTOR: EscuelasChile