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Capacity Building for Collaborative Inquiry Networks Course 2022

Session 4

In this section you will find the material used in the fourth session of the course and preparatory support material for the following session. In this workshop, work is done on the implementation of the action plan designed or on the first analysis of the actions that have been implemented so far, as appropriate to the nature of each project.

Session 3

In this section you will find the material used in the third session of the course and preparatory support material for the following session. This workshop addresses the theme of active listening, providing tools to the participants for their use in collaborative practices, in addition to reviewing the inquiry question they formulated, generating the first guidelines for the design of the action plan that they will implement during their inquiry projects. session of the course and preparatory support material for the next session.

Session 2

In this section you will find the material used in the second session of the course and preparatory support material for the following session. The objective of this workshop is to understand the basic principles of the collaborative inquiry methodology in the network, to identify common challenges in each educational establishment, and to form the collaborative inquiry teams that will work throughout the year.

Session 1

In this section you will find the material used in the first session of the course and preparatory support material for the following session. The objective of this workshop was to present its formal aspects, meet the members, identify current challenges regarding teaching, and reflect on the learning expectations in the course.