Access to downloadable material from Escuelas Chile Programme training sessions.

Accompanying Teachers: Empowering Learning in Changing Contexts


The following videos relate to the areas of focus that constitute classroom work (social-emotional, teaching organization, promoting learning). Each one outlines guidelines to help distinguish between and recognize the different activities that occur in the classroom, in order to encourage the creation of a common understanding with a view to implementing educational improvement initiatives in the classroom.

Workshop 2020: Teaching Organization Focus


The teaching organization focus helps to distinguish different interactions that occur in classes, whether face-to-face or remote. It also enables teachers to reflect on their characteristics in order to facilitate their recognition and organization skills in terms of behaviour management, efficient use of time and pedagogical formats for teaching and learning.

AUTOR: EscuelasChile

Workshop 2020: Promoting Learning Focus


The promoting learning focus helps to distinguish the different interactions that occur in classes, whether face-to-face or remote. It also enables teachers to reflect on their characteristics in order to facilitate their recognition and management in terms of promoting thinking and the use of learner outcomes.

AUTOR: EscuelasChile

Workshop 2020: Social-emotional Focus


The social-emotional focus helps to distinguish different interactions that occur in classes, whether face-to-face or remote. It also enables teachers to reflect on the key characteristics in order to facilitate their recognition and management in terms of positive environment, teacher sensitivity, and consideration for the students’ perspective.

AUTOR: EscuelasChile